It Pays to Paint:
A Home Improvement that Adds Value
As a homeowner, you understand the importance of maintaining and adding
value to your home. One way to preserve the value of your home is to keep
up with necessary repairs and maintenance. The fastest and most cost-
effective home improvement is painting.
There's something special about a newly painted room. It just looks fresh
and new. Plus, furniture "pops" when placed in front of freshly re-done walls.
With paint, you can set a mood.
Regardless of your goal, painting is a home improvement that adds value to
your home.
These suggestions will help you get started in choosing the right paint color:
1. A well-chosen color of new paint will help bring your vision to life. Sure,
painting takes elbow grease, but the rewards are worth the effort.
* When you compare the cost of a gallon or two of paint with the change the
paint can bring to your home, painting is an inexpensive way to bring a
dramatic effect.
* For added value to your home, you really can't beat painting as a thrifty
home improvement.
2. Before you begin painting, think about the overall feel you're seeking for
your home. Create a unified feeling by painting the walls in every room the
same or complementary colors.
* Ask yourself how you want to feel and how you want visitors to feel when
they enter your home. From there, do your homework regarding paint colors
and the moods they evoke.
* For example, if you want a tranquil and calm feeling, lighter tones of
greens, purples, and beiges are great choices to promote feelings of
serenity and peacefulness. If you want to liven up your walls, red brings vim
and vitality to a room.
3. Paint is the great disguise for many dings, marks, and dry-wall mistakes.
Are your walls dull-looking, marked up or otherwise marred in some way? If
so, painting is a quick way to make the room look like new.
4. Paint can increase brightness in a room. Of course, some natural lighting
helps tremendously, but the finish of paint you choose can bounce the light
around to make the room appear lighter and brighter.
* People prefer to spend time in rooms that seem full of sunlight. So, bringing
light into your rooms by painting will add value to your home.
5. Remember the exterior surfaces of the property. Because it's the first
glimpse someone gets of your property, it's wise to make the exterior of your
home look its best. Painting the outside of your house brings color and
makes your home look clean and fresh.
* You can't beat the results of a newly painted house. Painting the exterior of
your home will add great value.
No matter where you live or how much you've invested in your home,
putting on a new coat of paint, inside or out, will increase the value of your
home. For the money, there's no better home improvement. Go ahead and
buy that gallon of paint. Once you finish your task, you'll be thrilled with your
picturesque room!